1st Fragile X International Congress (pdf)
Giving Day (pdf)
Awareness Day
International Fragile X Awareness Day is celebrated by countries around the world. We welcome everyone joining in to celebrate all things Fragile X on October 10th as we work together to build an inclusive and caring society which values and affirms each of our family members.
This year's worldwide program to celebrate our Awareness Day is going to be as follows:
· Switzerland Fraxas: Research on Fragile X Syndrome. Open day at Professor Bagni Laboratory. Lausanne October 7th· India Fragile X Society: stall at IIT Roorke’s Annual Festival. 13th-15th October
· Catalonia Associació Catalana Sindrome X Fràgil: Fundraising show, Barcelona October 22nd
· Germany Interessengemeinschaft Fragiles-X e.V.: Congress for families, Oberlahr from September 29th to October 1st
· Spain Federación Española del Síndrome X-Frágil: Press Release and letter to the Spanish MEPs in the European Parliament, October 10th
· Poland Fundacja Rodzina Fra X: The story of FraXI the Dwarf on social medias
· Netherlands Fragiele X Vereniging:
- Picnic with FX families, September 17th
- "Contact" day for parents and relatives, November 4th
· Italy Associazione Italiana Sindrome X Fragile:
- more than 20 lit up monuments, October 10th
- interviews on local television stations, October 3rd and 7th
- talking about Fragile X Syndrome, September 23rd
- a webinar to reward the best inclusive school practices, October 10th
· France Fragile X: Launch of the new graphic identity. New logo, new website and a Fragile X France mascote joining
· Denmark Landsforeningen for Fragilt X Syndrom i Danmark: National FX Family Weekend, Middelfart, September 29th-October 1st
For International Fragile X Awareness Day (#XX2022) we invited families from anywhere in the world to send us a short video clip of living with Fragile X Syndrome and what that represents to them. We were delighted to receive such excellent videos from so many different countries showing that, while we all live in different parts of the world and speak different languages, we can work together as one unified strong voice to increase understanding and knowledge about Fragile X Syndrome. The representative themes of the videos families sent in included both positive aspects such as the strengths of people with Fragile X aswell as challenging issues they have to overcome in everyday life.
In the 10 days leading up to 10 October FraXI ran an information campaign on social media. Each day an important fact about Fragile X Syndrome was posted on twitter and facebook to raise awareness and knowledge about Fragile X and associated conditions. Help us spread the word, follow us on twitter: @FraXI_FragileX and Facebook: @FragileXInternational where you will find out more about how countries around the world are celebrating International Fragile X Awareness Day. Other activities include illumination of buildings and landmarks, festivals, and physical activities such as walks and runs and gatherings of family organisations.
Why is it on 10th October every year?
The European Fragile X Network countries came together in 2011 to agree a common Fragile X Awareness Day: X.X. (October 10th). Getting all of the countries to agree October 10th wasn't easy, but compromise was found! A significant date referencing the X chromosome was chosen: X.X. Previous to that everyone had their own national awareness days, some dating back to the formation of their associations in 1990. X.X. has been celebrated internationally ever since. We welcome everyone joining in to celebrate all things Fragile X on October 10th.
International Fragile X Awareness Day, X.X.2014, Lausanne, Switzerland. Credit: Mr Claude Wagner